S E R V I C E S 



The Municipal Agriculture Office conducts free technical training/ classes/ demonstrations based on the priority needs and requests of our farmers, fishermen, women and youth.


Available Services:

Palay Check

Dry Seeding Technology

Integrated Pest Management for Rice Culture

Organic and Sustainable Agriculture

Natural farming System

Corn Production

High Value Crop Production (banana,, cut flowers and mango)

Vegetable Production

Livestock/swine and Poultry Production

Fishery Related Training (inland fishing, CRM and Law Enforcement)

Organizational Strengthening Training

Livelihoood Enhancement Training

Organization of RBO"s (4-H club, RIC, P4MP/farmers associations and cooperatives)


To avail of these services, please contact the Municipal Agriculturist or the Agricultural Technologist assigned to your Barangay or visit the Municipal Agriculture Office.





Tigbauan Public Employment Service Office provides a venue where people could explore simultaneously various employment options and seek assistance they prefer. It serves as a referral and information center to job seekers.

The office assists workers to find suitable employment; register job seekers for employment; refer job seekers and vacancies from one employment office which matches their abilities and interests.



-Comprehensive Resume'

-Transcript of Records

-Police Clearance

-Training Certificates if available

-Employment Certificates if available


If interested, kindly submit the following required documents to the PESO Officer of our municipality at the

Office of the Mayor in the person of Mrs. Luz Tronco.

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